Oznaczono za pomocą spektrofotometrii absorpcji atomowej zawartość metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Zn i Cu) w ziemniakach, warzywach i owocach, pochodzących z rejonu oddziaływania Huty Miedzi „Głogów". Zawartość tych pierwiastków w ziemniakach, marchwi, kapuście, burakach i jabłkach stanowiła 10-50% maksymalnych dopuszczalnych wartości, obowiązujących w okresie badań. W ponad 50% próbek naci pietruszki i w 10% próbek sałaty stwierdzono ponadnormatywne ilości ołowiu.
Lead, cadmium, zinc and copper contents of potatoes, carrot, cabbage, beetroot and apples collected in 1995-1997 from the emission region of the "Głogów" copper foundry were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Mean lead and cadmium contents of potatoes, carrot, cabbage, beetroot and apples were similar, ranging from 0.020 mg/kg to 0.063 mg/kg and from 0.005 mg/kg to 0.016 mg/kg, respectively. These values represented from 10% to 50% of the maximum values admissible at the time of the study. Mean lead content in the leaves of parsley and lettuce was 0.805 mg/kg and 0.241 mg/kg, respectively. Maximum admissible value for lead was exceeded in 50% examined parsley leave and 10% lettuce samples. Zinc and copper levels in all studied products, except for lettuce, were similar and ranged from 1.52 to 8.60 mg Zn/kg and 0.30 to 3.94 mg Cu/kg. Copper content of all lettuce samples collected in 1997 was from 105% to 195% maximum values admissible at the time of the study.