Przedmiotem prezentowanej pracy jest ocena poziomu wiedzy na temat znaczenia aktywności fizycznej dla zachowania zdrowia. Badaniom poddani zostali rodzice dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, którzy wcześniej brali udział w programie edukacyjnym pt.: „Przedszkole promuje aktywność fizyczną". Zastosowaną w pracy techniką badań byl wywiad.
The main objective of which was: to determine the level of knowledge concerning the significance of physical activeness to human health represented by parents of pres-chool age children. A metod of a diagnostic survey was employed to gather data for the purposes of the present work. In the present paper, parents of children attending the kindergartens took part in the study. The technique used in this work was a questionnaire. The collected research material after having been analysed thoroughly allowed to come to conclusions of which the most important one is that physical activeness is for more parents of pre-school age children very important in life.