Celem badań było określenie w jakim zakresie nawożenie słomą w porównaniu do NPK i obornika przyczynia się do kumulowania Fe, Mn, Cu i Zn w plonach niektórych roślin zbożowych. Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o dwa doświadczenia polowe, które założono na glebie płowej wytworzonej z lessu. Roślinami testowymi były pszenica ozima i jęczmień jary uprawiane w monokulturze. Stwierdzono, że słoma z dodatkiem azotu oddziaływała podobnie jak obornik na zwiększenie zawartości Cu i Fe w zbożach, natomiast zawartość Mn uległa zmniejszeniu. W przypadku Zn nie zauważono wpływu tych nawozów na jego ilość w badanych zbożach. Słoma bez dodatku azotu w porównaniu do wyników z obiektu kontrolnego nie miała istotnego wpływu na zawartość mikroelementów w zbożach.
The aim of studies was to evaluate, in what range the straw fertilization as compared to NPK and farmyard manure (FYM) influences the cumulation of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in crops of some of the cereal plants. The research was carried out on two field experiments, which had been started in 1986 on grey brown podzolic soil derived from loess. Every year the following treatments were applied in the experiment: 1. NPK - as the control object; 2. Ploughed straw, after cereal harvest +NPK; 3. Ploughed straw and 1% of nitrogen was added in relation to the straw weight + NPK; 4. FYM + NPK. The test plants were winter wheat and spring barley, both cultivated as monoculture. Plant samples were taken in 1992 and 1993 after the cereals had been cropped. Also, the content of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in grain and in straw was determined. It was found that when nitrogen was added to the straw, the content of Cu and Fe had increased in both cereals, the same as with FYM, while the content of Mn decreased. No influence of those fertilizers on the content of Zn in the investigated cereals was found. Straw with no nitrogen added, as compared to the results from the control object, did not have significant influence on the content of the microelements analysed.