The transfer of radionuclide l37Cs from uncultivated different soils (natural pastures) to grass in northeastern Poland was evaluated. Samples of soil and grass were collected from the same area of about 1 m2 in the period from June 1994 to July 1995 twice a year. Grass was sampled from 1 m x 1 m squares by cutting to the plant base. The 137 Cs and 40K activity concentrations were determined by gamma spectrometry. The average concentration of 137Cs (to 10 cm depth) in the studied soils ranged from 17.94 Bq/kg to 37.78 Bq/kg dry weight. The average concentration of radiocesium in grass varied from 1.03 Bq/kg to 12.33 Bq/kg dry weight and depended upon the type of soil.