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Taxonomical changes in Palaearctic Luperini [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae]


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Based on the examination of type material and study of literature sources, the following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Nymphius stylifer ssp. ogloblini (Bogatchev, 1947) (stat. nov.); Scelolyperus Crotch, 1874 = Tuomuria Chen et Jiang, 1985 (syn. nov.) = Tuomueria Chen et Jiang, 1986 (syn. nov.); Scelolyperus tibialis (Chen et Jiang, 1985) (comb, nov.) = Tuomueria tibialis Chen et Jiang, 1986 (syn. nov.) = Scelolyperus króliki Borowiec, 2005 (syn. nov.); Calomicrus apicalis Demaison, 1891 = C. peyroni (Pic, 1899) (syn. nov.); C. albanicus (Csiki, 1940) (comb, nov.) = C. macedonicus (Tomov, 1975) (syn. nov.); C. syriacus (Weise, 1924) = Monolepta anatolica Bezděk, 1998 (syn. nov.). Calomicrus heydeni (Weise, 1900) is confirmed as synonym of C. lividus (Joannis, 1865). Luperus sibiricus Csiki, 1916 proved to be Luperomorpha Weise, 1887, thus it is transferred from Galerucinae to Alticinae. Lectotypes are designated lov Luperus albanicus Csiki, 1940, L. brevicollis Weise, 1898, L. cous Weise, 1889 and L. rhilensis Weise, 1900. The drawings of male genitalia are provided for most of the species studied.









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  • Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Zemedelska 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic


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