Zbadano migracją globalną z opakowań żywności do izooktanu i 95% etanolu — alternatywnych płynów modelowych imitujących działanie żywności zawie- rającej tłuszcz. W badaniach uwzględniano czas i temperaturę kontaktu żywności z opakowaniem. Oznaczona migracja globalna z badanych opakowań wykonanych z PP, PE, PA i PET była niska, z wyjątkiem folii z piastyfikowanego polichlorku winylu, z których znacznie przekraczała ona dozwolony limit (10 mg/dm2).
Overall migration from commercial samples of food plastics packaging into 95% ethanol and iso- octane - the alternative fatty food simulants - was determined. Testing conditions - time and temperature of the contact of food packaging material with food simulants reflected real or predicted use of given packaging. The analytical methods according to European Standard EN 1186 were used. Test methods by filling the artiecles, total immersion, forming a pouch or using the cell were used for migration as appropriate to allow contact with liquid food simulant only this surface which will come into the contact with food during normal use of the product. The overall migration from the samples of the tested products into both food simulants (95% ethanol and iso-octane) was well below the limit (10 mg/dm2), except of the migration from plasticized PVC films which markedly exceeded above limit, showing that these films must not be used for packaging of food containing fat. Application of food simulants as a alternative to olive oil markedly shortens analytical procedure and reduces workload, both important in routine testing.