Zbadano florę bakteryjną tylnej ściany gardła, krtani i ran operacyjnych pacjentów poddanych chirurgicznemu usunięciu raka krtani. Stwierdzono znaczy odsetek pacjentów (40%), których gardło i krtań zasiedlane były warunkowo chorobotwórczymi tlenowymi i względnie beztlenowymi pałeczkami Gram-ujemnymi i metycylinowrażliwymi gronkowcami złocistymi (12%). Główną przyczyną ropnych powikłań ran pooperacyjnych były metycylinooporne szczepy gronkowców złocistych (MRSA).
The study group were persons with risk factors of colonization by pathogenic strains and included smokers, patients suffering from paradontosis, and patients with visibly neglected oral cavity and teeth. We isolated and classified to the species or genera 488 microorganisms. Of posterior pharyngeal wall flora, 61% of were Gram-negative bacteria, represented predominantly by Haemophilus and anaerobic rods and aerobic cocci belonging to the Neisseria and Moraxella (Branhamella) genera. In the group of Gram-positive cocci (34% of the total number of microorganisms), oral streptococci, Stomatococcus mucilaginosus and Streptococcus pneumoniae were isolated most frequently. The affected by neoplastic lesions larynx, was colonized by similar bacterial groups. However, the incidence of Gram-positive cocci was higher. The main etiologic factor of purulent post-operative wound inflammations were methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (MRSA), which had been absent among the bacteria isolated from patients on admission.