Investigations aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Boviseptivac, vaccine against bovine pasteurellosis prepared from the Polish isolates of serotype B:2 with an oil adjuvant (Emulsigen). The vaccine protective value obtained on white mice was 4.25 according to the method of Ose and Muenster. Field trials carried out on 120 cows in the Ostroleka province revealed advantageous properties of the vaccine, such as a high effectiveness and the lack of lesions at the site of injection. Moreover, no health disturbances in cows were observed. The vaccine immunogenicity was evaluated serologically. Blood collected from 10 cows was examined before vaccinaton and 1 month postinjection. Immunisation stimulated the production of precipitins specific for serotype 2 demonstrated by the precipitin diffusion reaction on agar gel. The ELISA enabled us to detect an increased lgG level after immunisation.