The 153 taxa of trees and shrubs were reported from the Stołowe Mts. Two species (Betula nana and Erica tetralix) were reported probably by mistake,and 7 are now extinct (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis, Genista pilosa, Lembotropis nigricans, Rosa agrestis, Salix lapponum, Salix myrtilloides). The other 144 taxa of trees and shrubs were found in the natural and semi-natural site conditions. The 110 native taxa and 34 anthropophytes are forming the contemporary woody flora. The 44 native taxa belong to various local red data book categories (including extinct),the 63 are not endangered and next 10 are apophytes. A few altitudinal groups of species can be distinguished,which are characterized with specific reaction to the growth of the altitude of localities. The distinct limit in the altitudinal ranges of the woody species occur at elevation of 580-600 m. This altitude was considered as the limit between submontane and montane belts in the Stołowe mountains.