Woda, tworząca środowisko niezbędne dla życia człowieka, może być obciążona różnymi antropogennymi zanieczyszczeniami, które zagrażają jego zdrowiu. Dawne zanieczyszczenia biologiczne (bakterie, pasożyty) zostały współcześnie poszerzone o zanieczyszczenia chemiczne. Zmieniają one odczyn wody, obciążają ją obcymi gazami, minerałami, metalami ciężkimi, niemetalami i związkami organicznymi, w tym także o właściwościach mutagennych i karcenogennych, zagrażającymi zdrowiu współczesnych i przyszłych pokoleń. Wskazano przykłady substancji chemicznych, które - wprowadzane do organizmów ludzi wraz z wodą - wywołują nowe, dawniej nieznane choroby. Problemy te stanowią wezwanie do podjęcia autentycznej troski o dostęp ludzi do zdrowej wody.
Water, which continuously flows through the organism of man and constitutes 70% of the body mass, continues to be underappreciated as an environment which is necessary to sustain health and life. Water brings into the organism necesary bioelements dissolved in it and undesired components which may cause a variety of diseases. Given the limited nature of water resources in Poland, disproportions were shown between their large use and their still insufficient purification. Biological pollution, which causcd various epidemics in the past, still may now bring about analogous hazards in areas without sewerage and waste water treatment plants. The significance of oxygen for correct self-purification of waters and the present threat from the eutrofication process were shown. Attention was drawn to the problem of penetration of non-metal oxides into waters, contributing to the formation of acid rains. The significance of calcium and magnesium salts, which increase water hardness, but are also necessary for preventing some diseases was pointed out. Attention was drawn to discharges of saline mine waters into rivers and their impact. The issue of endemic fluorosis was considered, and so were the effects of artificial water fluoridation on the prevention of dental caries. The effects of water pollution by heavy metals and some non-metals were discussed. The impact of water pollution by oil were shown. The protection of water purity was recognized as one of the most important tasks in the field of protection of health and life of the contemporary and future generations.