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1995 | 19 | 1 |

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Migracja wodna skladnikow pokarmowych ze zlewni rolniczych


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The water migration of nutrients from agricultural basins

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Na podstawie wyników badań własnych i danych z literatury oceniono wartości eksportu N, P i K ze zlewni rolniczych w różnych regionach Polski. Przedstawiono strategię przeciwdziałania migracji wodnej składników pokarmowych ze zlewni rolniczych. Oceniono możliwości planowania przestrzennego jako instrumentu wdrażania do praktyki rolniczej zasad tej strategii. Zwrócono uwagę, że ustawa z 1994 r. o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym nie daje podstaw dla działalności strategicznej w zakresie ochrony wód przed rolniczymi zanieczyszczeniami obszarowymi.
The Polish agriculture is one of the main causes of accelerated eutrofication of surface waters (agroeutrofication) generated by increased migration of nutrients, mainly N and P, from agricultural basins. This article presents an analysis of the processes which, on the one hand, deprive agroecosysterns of nutrients and, on the other, enrich surface waters and bring about their gradual degradation. The export level of N, P and K from agricultural basins in Poland was identified, a strategy was proposed for the protection of waters from agroeutrofication and the functioning of legal instruments in the implementation of the principles of the strategy in the agricultural practice was evaluated. The replacement of mixed forests, typical of the original landscape of the Polish lands, by agroecosystcms which dominate in the agricultural landscape, shortened and simplified the small circulation of water and an increased export of nutrients into surface waters (Fig. 1). These processes enhanced as a result of intensification of agriculture in the 20th century, particularly after World War Two (Fig. 2). This caused a large export of nutrients into surface waters in Poland (Table 1). On the basis of studies carried out by the author in the strongly eroded agricultural basins under investigation in the Carpathian Foreland, it was found that the agricultural use of land caused an increase in the loads of N and K by a factor of a dozen or so, and even by 40 times in the loads of P. A strategy was proposed for mitigating the water migration of nutrients from an agricultural basin into surface waters. The actions which it is necessary to undertake within agroecosystcms, in the agricultural landscape and in the land-water contact zone were defined. It is also necessary to perform anti-erosion operations in the agricultural basins of the regions of Poland where water causes a strong process of soil erosion (Fig. 3). A physical plan is a legal instrument which should make it easier for the strategy of mitigating eutrofication of waters to be implemented in the agricultural practice. The strategy may be included in the concept of physical development of the country and in a study on the conditions of and directions in the physical development of voivodships and gminas. Unfortunately, local plans do not make it mandatory for farm owners to apply the principles of the strategy.








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, Plac na Stawach 1, 30-107 Krakow


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