Concentrations of accumulated heavy metals were compared between the terrestrial bryophyte Pohlia nutans and needles and bark of Larix decidua collected on a dump situated in the vicinity of coke- and sulphuric acid-producing factories and a municipal thermal-electric power station. The dump consisted of heavily polluted mine and smelter wastes located near Walbrzych (southwestern Poland). The plant samples were compared with material of the same species from the control site. In the examined area needles and bark can be considered as suitable biomonitors for atmospheric pollution for Co, Cu, Ni and Pb. Bioaccumulation abilities of Pb in P. nutans and L. decidua needles and Ni in P. nutans and L. decidua bark were similar. Compared to each other needles were better accumulators of Ni and the moss P. nutans was a better accumulator of Co and Cu. P. nutans was a better accumulator of Co, Cu and Pb compared to bark.