Do wykrywania modyfikacji genetycznej w ziarnach soi Roundup Ready oraz produktach z niej pochodzących, wykorzystano metodę immunoenzymatyczną (ELISA) - zestaw analityczny „ TRAIT", amerykańskiej firmy SDL Metoda polega na identyfikacji immunoenzymatycznej białka CP4 EPSPS powstającego w wyniku ekspresji, wprowadzonego do soi genu z Agrobacterium sp. szczep CP4.
The test based on immunoassay TRAIT Test for the specific detection of Roundup Ready Soybean was used for reference material in the form of dried powdered soy beans contained 0, 0,3, 1,25, 2,5% of genetically modified material, for soy beans declared as Roundup Ready and for soy products from Warsaw market. The detection limit was approximately 0,1% GMO on dry weight basis. Experiment was also carried out on heated soybeans. The positive results was obtained since temperature was under 65°C during 15 minutes of heating grounded beans; above this temperature specific protein was not recognisable by the antibody. The TRAIT Test should be regarded as a qualitative method and could be recommended for screening purposes. Investigation demonstrated that above mentioned test was useful for detection of protein of genetically modified soybean in unprocessed products.