We frakcji cytoplazmatycznej homogenatu wątroby szczura przebadano aktywność amino transferaz, katalizujących reakcje między alfa-ketoglutaranem i sześcioma aminokwasami - donorami grupy aminowej, po jednorazowym zatruciu karbarylem w dawce 1/2 LD50. Stwierdzono istotne zmiany aktywności enzymów transaminujących reakcje z udziałem asparaginy i fenyloalaniny.
White male Wistar rats were poisoned orally withe a single carbaryl dose 474 mg/kg (1/2 LD50). The activity of aminotransferases in the cytoplasma of liver homogenates catalysing the reactions between alpha-ketoglutarate and six amino acids (cysteine, lysine, phenylalanine, leucine, asparagine and valine) after 2, 4, 24 and 72 hours from the administration of the insecticide was determinated. The activity of aminotransferases was expressed as the amount of glutamic acid developing during 1 hour of incubation of liver homogenate calculated for 1 g of tissue. Glutamic acid was determined spectrophotometrically after chromatographic separation on paper. The results of the investigations demonstrated that acute poisoning with carbaryl caused a statistically significant changes in the activity of two hepatic aminotransferases. A rise was obserwed in the activity of the enzyme causing transamination in the reaction between alpha-katoglutarste and phenylalanine 24 hours afler insecticide administration (64,1%), and a fall of the activity of the aminotransferase catalyzing the reaction between alpha-ketoglutarate and asparagine in the 4th, 24th and 72nd hours after intoxication (16,4%, 17,3% and 19,2% respectively).