In Poland winter wheat is grown on the area of 1.600.000 ha. Most of the plant protection treatments are being done without thorough analysis of real threats from pests and diseases. The aim of the research is to develop the optimal program of wheat protection against pests and diseases based on integration of various methods of plant protection. Two programs: conventional and integrated were compared. In integrated program the eventual needs and terms of treatments were estimated on the basis of detailed observations of plant infection, pest appearance, their natural enemies and thorough analysis of weather conditions and forecasts. The role of disease resistant wheat varietes and nitrogen fertilizers was also analysed. The research took into account beneficial entomofauna and its influence on pest numbers as well as influence of chemicals used in agriculture on their species. As the result the selective pesticides, safe to beneficial organisms, were selected. The quantity and quality of winter wheat yield was analysed, including protein and gluten contents. The economic effectiveness of various programs of wheat protection against pests and diseases was assessed. The results of research are important both in practical and scientific sense.
Wyniki badań wykonanych w latach 2000 i 2001 wykazały, że podstawowymi czynnikami decydującymi o wysokości plonowania pszenicy ozimej są: agrotechnika uwzględniająca odpowiedni wybór stanowiska, optymalne nawożenie azotowe oraz dobór odmiany dostosowanej do lokalnych warunków klimatycznych. Chemiczna ochrona pszenicy ozimej wpływa przede wszystkim na stabilność plonowania. O potrzebie wykonania zabiegów ochronnych powinny decydować stałe lustracje plantacji z uwzględnieniem aktualnej sytuacji fitosanitarnej, progów szkodliwości i spodziewanego rozwoju populacji agrofagów.