In situ decomposition of the hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum L.), the buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata L.) and leaf blades of the yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea L.) was studied with the litter bag method in three small mid-forest lakes of different pH and nutrient content. Time course of decomposition and of nutrient release from decomposing plant material was best fitted with a logarithm approximation and not by usually used exponential fit. pH of lake waters strongly affected decomposition rates of C. demersum and M. trifoliata. No effect of nutrient concentrations in lake water or in plant tissues on decomposition was noted for any of the analysed plants. Organic carbon deficit is speculated as a possible reason for the observed pH effect on decomposition rates. Modification of particulate and soluble N:P ratios are underlined as a consequence of different N and P release from decomposing plant material.