Data on 167 species of Heteroptera collected in the Biebrza River Valley (the best-preserved area of marshes and swamps in Central Europe) are presented. Out of them 25 are for the first time recorded from the Podlasie region. The most interesting species are: Nemocoris falleni SAHLB. (the second record from Poland), Pionosomus varius (WOLFF), Tingis pilosa HUMM., Nabicula lineata (DAHLB.), Stenodema Trispinosum REUT., Adelphocoris ticinensis (M.-D.), Brachycoleus decolor REUT, (recorded from Poland only twice in the present century), Polymerus nigrita (FALL.), P. microphthalmus WAGN., P. palustris REUT., Oncotylus viridiflavus (GOEZE) (the first record since 1936).