Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are more dangerous xenobiotics, very carcinogenic for animals and humans. They are found in air, water, sediments, and plant and animal tissues. most PAHs in the environment are derived during incomplete combustion of organic substances at temperatures lower than 700o C. total emission of all PAHs is very difficult to estimate but the global emission of benzo[a]pyrene is estimated at about 8600 tons/year. Most PAHs are lipophilic compounds that can be bioaccumulated to high levels. Microbial biodegradation and sunlight decomposition are the main mechanisms for PAH removal from sediments and water. In the present paper the authors will try to determine concentrations of 16 PAHs from the US EPA list in river water and drinking water of the ód area to be compared with bibliographic data obtained by other chromatographic methods.