W krajowych tygodniowych racjach odtworzonych oraz w całodobowych stołówkowych racjach pokarmowych oznaczono zawartość ważnych z fizjologicznego punktu widzenia pierwiastków śladowych. Chrom i nikiel oznaczano metodą płomieniową atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej, selen metodą spektrofotometryczną i fluorymetryczną.
In 1990, a survey was conducted on twenty seven whole-day alimentary rations at canteens in Lublin and Warsaw. In the same year, food rations of manual worker's families and of other medium-income families in Lublin, Olsztyn, Poznań, Warsaw and Wroclaw were estimated. Averaged samples of the food rations were dried, and then incinerated in a muffle furnace at 480°C. After the residue had been dissolved, chromium and nickel in the solution were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. After wet digestion with nitric, sulphuric and perchloric acid, selenium was determined as piazoselenols with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine and 2,3-diaminonaphthalene. In the spectrophotometric method, piazoselenols were extracted with toluene, while in the fluorometric method cyclohexane was used as the organic phase. Average daily chromium intake values were from 91 to 164 mg for the canteen rations, and from 77 to 228 mg for the estimated family rations. The correspoonding daily volues for nickel were 187-302 mg and 183-341 mg respectively. The values of daily selenium intake ranged from 78 mg to 205 mg, the mean values being 145 mg for the canteen rations and 139 mg for the family rations. Chromium, nickel and selenium were found in the test samples in quantities which, according to current dietary recommendations, may be considered to be proper and safe.