Przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń kadmu i ołowiu w wybranych koncentratach zup metodą spektrometrii absorpcyjno-atomowej. Stwierdzono, że przebadane koncentraty będące przykładem żywności wygodnej są produktami bezpiecznymi i nie stanowią zagrożenia dla zdrowia i życia człowieka.
Easy-to-prepare dinner products (soup concentrates available in the Polish market) were studied for their cadmium and lead content. Cadmium and lead levels were determined by AAS after prior sample mineralisation at 400°C, translocation of the metals into complexes with ammonium 1-pyrrolidine carbodithionate (APDC) in the presence of citrate buffer at pH 6.80 and 4-methyl-pentane-2-one (MIBK) extraction. Liquid soup bases contained, on the average, 0.005 ±0.001 mg • kg-1 Cd, and 0.0274 ±0.0104 mg • kg-1 Pb. In the instant soups with breadcrumbs or noodles (containing up to 20% noodles), cadmium content was 0.019±0.0062 mg • kg-1 Cd, and the content of lead was 0.013 ±0.0304 mg • kg-1 Pb. The Cd content in soups requiring boiling was 0.026±0.0162 mg • kg-1, while for Pb the respective value was 0.0962±0.041 mg • kg-1 and in instant soups with noodles (more than 70% noodles) the content of Cd was 0.016±0.0005 mg • kg-1 and of Pb 0.0872±0.0194 mg • kg1. The highest Cd and Pb levels in the study products was found in the soups requiring boiling, while the lowest concetrations of those toxic metals were detected in the liquid soup bases and soups with breadcrumbs or noodles. Referring to soup varieties, the highest content of the toxic metals were detected in the red borsch soup. The results of this study show that the studied concetrates, consulting an example of convenient easy-to-preapre fast food products, are safe and do not involve health risk in respect of their Cd or Pb content. The levels of those elements are, on the average, 5 times lower than the maximum admissible values (0.10 mg • kg-1 Cd and 0.5 mg • kg-1 Pb) specified by relevant Polish regulations.