W artykule przedstawiono metodę opracowania planu ochrony dla obszaru Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego i jego otuliny. Jest to pierwsze tego typu opracowanie spośród wszystkich parków narodowych w Polsce. Zawiera szereg nowoczesnych rozwiązań z zakresu kształtowania ekologicznej struktury krajobrazu oraz czynnej ochrony ekosystemów i gatunków. Może stanowić ważny punkt odniesienia dla planów ochrony innych parków narodowych i krajobrazowych.
The Kampinos National Park is one the largest and oldest facilities of its kind in Poland. It borders directly on Poland's capital and so it is subject to strong an- thropopressure. Further, it is located on the confluence of three major rivers and boasts an exceptional abundance of natural wealth. As such, the Park is a high profile environ-The Kampinos National Park is one the largest and oldest facilities of its kind in Poland. It borders directly on Poland's capital and so it is subject to strong an- thropopressure. Further, it is located on the confluence of three major rivers and boasts an exceptional abundance of natural wealth. As such, the Park is a high profile environ-mental asset. Considering all this, the Kampinos National Park has been selected for a pilot comprehensive plan of active and passive conservation of species, ecosystems and landscapes in Poland. The plan itself was preceded by a retrospective study of change in the ecosystems over the last 40 years. Following that, an assessment of the current status of the natural heritage, land management, current issues and conflicts was conducted. The third phase was to develop an overall strategy of nature conservation and working together with local governments. The strategy was then translated into 14 detailed regulations. Each regulation sets forth a 20-year action plan designed for a given type of ecosystem or a type of economic, cultural or educational activity (Fig. 1). The Kampinos National Park Conservation Plan contains a series of modern policies of achieving the best possible ecological structure of landscape, renaturalisation of ecosystems and restoration of species (Fig. 2). The project may be an important resource for conservation plans in other national parks and landscape parks in Poland and elsewhere.