Dokonano oceny wahań sezonowych w sposobie odżywiania się badanej populacji na podstawie analizy jakościowej i ilościowej żywienia. Stwierdzono, że w okresie po urynkowieniu gospodarki żywnościowej zmienność sezonowa spożycia żywności ulegała niwelacji.
The aim of the study was to compare the seasonal variability in food consumption in 1985/86 and 1995/96 years - the periods before and after marketisation of food economy in Poland. The investigation was conducted in I semester (September-January) and II semester (February-May) of academic year. In 1985/86 diets of 312 female students were examined using 24-hour recall in 1995/96 - 246 ones. The seasonal variability in food consumption was observed only in 1985/86 year. Intake of vegetables and fruit was less in II semester and level of retinol and vitamin C in diets was lower compared with I semester (p < 0,05). Any differences in intake of products and nutrients between semester I and II were found in 1995/96 year. The results indicate that seasonal variability in food consumption among examined students was reduced in conditions of marketisation of food economy in Poland.