Polymorphism of goat milk asrcasein was determined and potential relations between genetic variants of this protein fraction and goat performance were evaluated. The investigations were performed on 598 goats assigned to of 4 breed groups (White improved 254 units, Coloured improved -124, White non-improved - 146 and Coloured non-improved - 74). For each goat, asrcasein polymorphism was determined in Polyacrylamide gel by the PAGE-SDS method and percentage of milk asrcasein and gene frequency established. There was evaluated goat performance at successive lactations. In the goat population investigated, AA, AB, BB, AE, BE and EE αs1-casein genotypes were identified. In all four breeds, αs1-casein genotype EE clearly predominated (27.2-39.2%), recognized as "medium" and its share was higher in the groups of non-improved goats. It was conditioned by high frequency of gene E αs1-casein (0.419-0.622). Generally, EE genotype percentage was higher in the non-improved goat groups. The improved goats, though, obtained higher productivity in each of the lactation studied. Analysis of relationships between αs1-casein genetic variants and goats performance confirmed a significant influence on milk, protein and fat yields only in the Coloured improved goat group. There was revealed a more general tendency indicating a significant impact of "strong" αs1-casein genotypes on a concentration of basic milk components, i.e. fat and protein, especially casein. In a group of goats producing milk of the highest casein content (over 2.4%) and protein (over 3.0%), the animals showing "strong" αs1-casein variants dominated (85 and 70 %).