The aim of the study was to determine the influence of Varroa destructor invasions on HCH and DDT concentration in bees from infected colonies. Studies were carried out on 7 apiaries in the Olsztyn area. It was found that HCH and DDT content in bees depended on both apiary location and V. destructor presence in colonies. Bees from infected colonies contained less amounts of chlorinated hydrocarbons. The greatest concentration of HCH and DDT was found in bees from apiaries located on the verge of forests, near allotment gardens, and the least in bees flying around rape, white mustard and weeds on waste ground. Higher HCH and DDT concentrations in bees free from V. destructor invasion indicates their greater activity in the environment and bringing flow to the hive, the amount of which influences the increase of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the organism.