W pracy przedstawiono aktywność seleno-niezależnej peroksydazy glutationowej i katalazy, poziom zredukowanego glutationu, dialdehydu malonowego i grup karbonylowych W rożnych częściach kory mózgowej człowieka. Badania prowadzono na tkankach otrzymywanych z autopsji osób zmarłych na skutek zatrucia heroiną
In the present work we examined selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and catalase (CAT) activities, as well as levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and the amount of carbonyl groups (CO) in human brain cortex. Various parts of brain cortex (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital ) obtained by autopsy from 9 cases intoxicated by heroin and from 7 control brains were examined. We found a significant increase in GSHPx activity in the heroin-intoxicated brains, accompanied by decreased level of GSH. No changes in CAT activity or in the amount of carbonyl groups were observed, whereas the level of MDA was almost 2 times higher in heroin-intoxicated brains vs. controls. Thus, the results indicate that heroin intoxication changes the antioxidant status in human brain cortex. The changes comprise increased lipid peroxidation and disturbed organic peroxide inactivation.