Przedstawiono wyniki badań stanowisk do chowu kur nieśnych stada towarowego, będące wstępem do dalszych doświadczeń oraz konstrukcji wyposażenia technologicznego. Badane układy technologiczne pozwalają na trzykrotne zwiększenie obsady powierzchni kurnika.
Two types of coops for laying hens were tested for their functional parameters and fitting to spatial and technological arrangement of the poultry house: (a) the coops with mesh floor, storied roosts and droppings trays, (b) coops with slatted floor with the set-off for litter - saw dust or gravel, and two - storied roost system at the walls. The coops were fitted with drinking bowls, mechanized feeding and egg collection systems at hand-operated droppings disposal. The tests conduced on 126 (a) and 263 (b) Tetra SL laying hens 17-19 weeks old from Sept. '95 till Maj '96 showed that both types of the coops considerably extended the possibities of utilizing space in side the poultry house. Either technical parameters and production indices for both coop systems were given.