Oznaczono zawartość ołowiu, kadmu, rtęci, arsenu, miedzi, żelaza i cynku metodami absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej w krajowym mleku krowim, serach twarogowych, serach twardych dojrzewających oraz dokonano oceny higieniczno-toksykologicznej skażenia tymi pierwiastkami. Stwierdzono występowanie niskich stężeń pierwiastków toksycznych w mleku i jego przetworach.
Lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc, copper and iron were determined by AAS in 1994-95 in 95 samples of cow milk, 112 samples of curdy cheese and 124 samples of rennet cheese collected from 49 counties of Poland. The mean levels of the toxic elements in milk and dairy products were low. Concentration of lead and cadmium in the majority of milk and cheese samples were below the detection limit of the employed method (Pb - 0.01 mg/kg; Cd - 0.001 mg/kg). Mercury and arsenic were found in all milk and cheese samples. The mean values of the levels of these elements were 0.004 and 0.002 mg/kg in milk, 0.006 and 0.005 mg/kg in curdy cheese, and 0.009 and 0.005 mg/kg in rennet cheese, respectively. The levels of zinc, copper and iron in milk and cheeses were not harmful to the consumers.