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2003 | 49 | 2 |

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The study of cell and tissue mechanisms of the homeostasis of helminth-host system at muscle trichinellosis before and after the administration of a herb biostimulator and anthelminthic

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Results of micromorphological and histological studies of larvae of Trichinella Spiralis and T. pseudospiralis, as weil as, muscles, liver and small intestine of the rat-host before and after biostimulator administration of phytohemagglutinin and phytoanthelminthic were presented. It has been established that rats with Trichinella larvae of both species developed unspecific allergic angiomyositis, hepatitis, cholangitis, and erosio-haemorrhagic enterocolitis in the host's organism on the 35th day after infection. Furthermore, processes of compensatory hypertrophy, that support the host's (rats) homeostasis, on cell and tissue levels, were observed at histodestructional and morphofunctional deficiency. lt has been revealed that phytohemagglutinin, biostimulator injected into the host's organism before infection, is of immunostimulating nature and partially destroys the larvae of Trichinella. The phytoanthelminthic produces a significant trichinellocide effect: RNA synthesis and glycogen is intensified in the organs of the treated animals, their pathomicromorphogenesis weakened, and their compensatory and regenerative processes were observed. The combined use of the phytohemagglutinin and phytoanthelminthic fails to intensify the mentioned effect.








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  • Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenin'av.33, 119071 Moscow, Russia


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