Od 1997 r. PZH wspólnie ze stacjami sanitarno-epidemiologicznymi prowadzi badania dotyczące zajęć wf w szkołach podstawowych. W 1998 r. przedmiotem badań były szkoły liczące 8-23 oddziałów. Szkoły tej wielkości stanowią ponad połowę szkół podstawowych w Polsce. Stwierdzono, że realizowano w nich 3 godziny wf tygodniowo. Możliwości i sposoby realizacji tych zajęć były zróżnicowane. Podjęto próbę ustalenia niektórych uwarunkowań zaistniałych różnic.
During spring '98 data about conditions and realization of physical education were based on a representative, national sample of 480 medium size (8-23 classes) primary schools. Information on sport rooms and areas, size of groups, teachers' qualification, place and type of lessons was collected. Only 35% of schools had a gymnasium. But nevertheless, a programme with 3 physical education classes a week was usually realized. Most of classes took place on sport areas (90% of schools had them). Up to 6% of classes was carried out on the corridor or in another inadequate place. The number of students taking part in training was often too large. Among younger children the subjects of classes were usually sport plays and games, while among elder students - they were usually ball games. The majority of teachers lacked physical education qualifications. Professional physical educationers worked usually in large urban schools that had a gymnasium, while unqualified teachers usually carried out physical education lessons in little rural schools that lacked a gymnasium. The data shows, that the lack of sport equipment was usually connected with low qualifications of the teachers.