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Obraz krwi u indykow pozostajacych pod wplywem propranololu i ACTH

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The haematological picture in the turkeys being under influence of propranolol and ACTH

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Podjęto próbę sprawdzenia czy i w jakim stopniu podawanie antagonisty receptorów beta- -adrenergicznych wpłynie na dynamikę zmian leukocytów krwi indyków traktowanych ACTH. Indyki 6-tygodniowe (Big 6), przez 72 godziny otrzymywały z wodą do picia propranolol. Ponadto, dwukrotnie, w odstępach 24-godzinnych ptaki doświadczalne otrzymały iniekcję ACTH. Dla oceny dynamiki zmian w obrazie białokrwinkowym, czterokrotnie pobrano krew (w 12, 48, 54 i 72 godzinie doświadczenia). Kontrolę stanowiła krew od indyków z fermy, utrzymywanych w podobnych warunkach. Na podstawie dokonanej oceny wskaźnika heterofile/limfocyty (H/L), potwierdzono wcześniejsze sugestie co do dużej czułości oraz przydatności obrazu krwi w ocenie oddziaływania czynników naporu środowiska. Równocześnie wykazano, że podawany indykom propranolol łagodzi zmiany wywołane podaniem ACTH. Łagodzący wpływ propranolol wydaje się dotyczyć tylko wczesnych etapów odpowiedzi ustrojowej.
An attempt was made to check whether and to what degree administration of beta adrenergic antagonist influences the dynamics of blood leukocytes of the turkeys treated with ACTH. The six weeks old turkeys (Big-6) received propranolol in drinking water for 72 hours. Moreover, the birds received the ACTH injection twice, in 24 hours intervals. To evaluate the changes in the white blood cell picture, the blood was taken four times (in the 12th, 48th, 54th and 72nd hour of experiment). The control was the blood from the turkeys from poultry farm, which were kept in similar conditions. On the basis of estimation of the heterophils/lymphocytes (H/L) ratio, the earlier suggestions were confirmed, concerning the high sensitiveness and usability of blood picture in evaluation of environmental factors influence. Simultaneously, there was shown that the administered propranolol attenuates the changes induced by ACTH injection. The attenuating influence of propranolol seems to apply only to early stages of organism response.An attempt was made to check whether and to what degree administration of beta adrenergic antagonist influences the dynamics of blood leukocytes of the turkeys treated with ACTH. The six weeks old turkeys (Big-6) received propranolol in drinking water for 72 hours. Moreover, the birds received the ACTH injection twice, in 24 hours intervals. To evaluate the changes in the white blood cell picture, the blood was taken four times (in the 12th, 48th, 54th and 72nd hour of experiment). The control was the blood from the turkeys from poultry farm, which were kept in similar conditions. On the basis of estimation of the heterophils/lymphocytes (H/L) ratio, the earlier suggestions were confirmed, concerning the high sensitiveness and usability of blood picture in evaluation of environmental factors influence. Simultaneously, there was shown that the administered propranolol attenuates the changes induced by ACTH injection. The attenuating influence of propranolol seems to apply only to early stages of organism response.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Wroclaw


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