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Lower and Middle Jurassic ammonoids of the Shemshak Group in Alborz, Iran and their palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphical importance

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The Shemshak Group at Shahmirzad (northern Iran) is characterized by the most frequent and extensive marine intercalations and contains the most abundant and diverse ammonite faunas hitherto known from the Lower and lower Middle Jurassic strata of the Alborz Range. So far, 62 ammonite taxa have been recorded from this area, including 25 taxa from earlier studies. The taxa belong to the families Cymbitidae, Echioceratidae, Amaltheidae, Dactylioceratidae, Hildoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Erycitidae, and Stephanoceratidae with the new species Paradumortieria elmii and Pleydellia (P.?) ruttneri. The fauna represents the Late Sinemurian, Late Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Aalenian, and Early Bajocian. Palaeobiogeographically, it is closely related to the Northwest European (Subboreal) Province, and exhibits only minor relations with the Mediterranean (Tethyan) Province.








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  • School of Mining Engineering, University College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O.Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran


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