The activities of sucrolytic enzymes viz. sucrose synthase and invertases were compared in developing pods of two genotypes of lentil differing in seed weight. Biomass accumulation of both the podwall and seed of ‘large’ genotype was higher during development as compared to the ‘small’ genotype. High activity of acid invertase together with prolonged activity of alkaline invertase in podwall of ‘large’ genotype may lead to longer cell division phase resulting in its larger size and biomass. Greater biomass of podwall could be responsible for providing more reserves for the developing seed hence determining its size. Higher alkaline invertase activity in ‘large’ seed from 15-20 DAF can be correlated to the sustained sucrolytic conditions for producing more cells required for its larger size. In creased levels of sucrose synthase in ‘large’ seed especially during maturation phase suggest the role of this enzyme in enhancing the seed sink strength.
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