A possible use of some argyrophilic nucleolar organiser region (AgNOR) parameters as a biological counter to predict the biological behaviour of basal epidermal cells and dermal fibroblasts in dogs subjected to therapeutic ultrasound (US) exposure was determined. All the dogs, except the control dogs, had US treatment at an intensity of 0.5 W/cm² (SATA), frequency of 1.0 MHz, pulsed 2 ms on and 8 ms off for 5 min daily for 10 d. Full thickness skin samples were taken on days 4, 18, 32, 46, and 74 following cessation of 10 d US application and right after the 10th d of US exposure. A statistically significant difference immediately at the end of day 10 of US exposure was found for all parameters measured, except NOR diameters of the stratum basale cells. All the measured parameters, except NOR numbers of fibroblasts in the dermis, returned to normal (control) values by day 74 indicating that the therapeutic effect of US at the given characteristics lasts at least longer than 46 d regarding thickness of the stratum corneum, longer than 32 d regarding NOR numbers in the cells of the stratum basale, and NOR diameters in the cells of the stratum basale, and longer than 74 d regarding NOR numbers in fibroblasts. The results presented herein suggest that there is a correlation between the longevity of ultrasound effect and the alteration of AgNORs parameters and their characteristics. Considering the longer duration of reversible alterations in our study, it would be reasonable to determine the effectiveness of ultrasound by AgNOR counting.