The rodent Harderian glands (HGs) are large paired orbital organs with highest porphyrinogenic rates. We have previously shown that continuous light exposure abolished the day/night variations of the -aminolevulinate synthase (ALA-S; the rate-limiting enzyme for porphyrin biosynthesis) gene expression observed under standard light: dark cycles (LD 12:12) in the rat HGs. This study was designed to examine whether the ALA-S changes were actually associated directly with light. The response of ferrochelatase (enzyme that converts protoporphyrin IX into heme) to light was also examined. Male Wistar rats were acclimatized to light: dark cycles regimen of 12:12 for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 weeks, a 1 h-light pulse was applied in the middle of the dark phase. Animals were sacrificed immediately after the end of the light pulse. HGs were collected and stored at -80°C until processed for quantitative RT-PCR. A 1 h-light pulse applied during mid-dark caused a significant increase of ALA-S gene expression (3-fold higher than in controls), whereas it was without effect on ferrochelatase gene expression. Our results suggest that light per se may regulate ALA-S gene expression in the rat HGs, and reveal that the ALA-S gene expression, and so heme biosynthesis, is under a photodynamic control.