The aim of the study was to develop new techniques for the repeated recovery of goat and sheep oocytes useful for culture and fertilization in vitro and cloning and the evaluation of the efficacy of the established method. Oocytes were aspirated with a syringe or an originally designed catheter for aspiration. The oocytes donors were 54 goats. The animals were premedicated, after which general anesthesia was induced. The general anesthesia lasted about 22 min. The endoscope was inserted into the abdominal cavity. Two trockars for putting the manipulators were inserted 15 cm below the udder. Oocytes were collected by the aspiration of the follicular fluid from the ovarian follicles. Depending on the size, a single aspiration of up to 8 follicles was performed. The collected oocytes were evaluated under a stereoscopic microscope. The following rules of the evaluation and classification of the oocytes were established: class I - homogenous cytoplasm, at least 3 layers of the granulosa cells; class II - homogenous cytoplasm, 1-2 layers of granulosa cells; class III - homogenous cytoplasm, no granular cells; class IV - heterogenous cytoplasm, independent of the granulosa cells. Oocytes class I, II and III were qualified for the culture. 363 ovarian follicles were aspirated, 183 (50.41%) oocytes were obtained. 56 were qualified as class I, 79 - class II, 31 - class III, 8 - class IV. 175 (95.36%) of the obtained oocytes were qualified for the culture, including: 35.52% in class I, 43.17% - class II, 16.94% - class III. 4.37% of the collected oocytes were disqualified for the culture. The proposed technique allows for the collecting oocytes of good quality that can be used for IMV/IVF techniques and cloning.