Activity of the defense reactions of fish as an indicator of the pollution of the aquatic environment Using several tests, the reactivity of defense reactions of carps (Cyprinus carpio) and crucian carps (Carassius carassius) living in a sewage canal from the „Azoty” factory in Puławy were studied. The factory produces mainly nitric fertilizers. The carps and crucian carps derived from an unpolluted environment were exposed to pollution by being kept in containers plunged in the sewage canal in three different places, all below the cleaner station for 4 and 6 weeks. All studies were done during three seasons of the year: spring, summer and autumn. The activity of defense reactions in the fish was evaluated on the basis of the following: the number of leukocytes and granulocytes in 1 |ll of blood, the metabolic activity of granulocytes (NB test), and the activity of serum and mucous of the body surface lysozyme. It was found that chemical contamination (mainly by nitric compounds) of the sewages very clearly affects the activity of immunological reactions of fish. Therefore, the response of the defense system may be useful as a very good indicator of the state of the aquatic environment. It was also proved that the activity of immunological reactions of fish is influenced by seasonal conditions (mainly temperature).