Analiza instrumentów realizacji planów ochrony dowodzi, że istnieje jeszcze wiele niejasnych kwestii. Związane są one z koncepcją parku krajobrazowego - formą ochrony polegającą na pozostawieniu gruntów i nieruchomości w gospodarczym wykorzystaniu, podstawami prawnymi funkcjonowania parku, statusem prawnym planów ochrony, relacją planów ochrony do planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego i operatów urządzania lasu, możliwościami sfinansowania proponowanych w planie przedsięwzięć oraz stosunkiem władz samorządowych do tych parków.
It has been several years since the adoption of the Nature Conservation Act (1991), which imposed an obligation to develop conservation plans, including such plans for landscape parks. Following numerous discussions on the range of issues to be handled and planning methodology, and after accumulating some practical experience, it is now vital that implementation aspects of these plans be examined. The overview of implementation tools available has indicated that some areas are still unclear. Major confusion is revealed in the concept of a landscape park itself - a type of protection mechanism whereby land and immovable property is available for economic use - regulatory environment, legal status of conservation plans, relations between the latter and land-use plans and forest management regulations, funding of proposed action and relations between parks and local authorities. More discussion and clarification of these issues is instrumental to enhance the model and implementation potential of conservation plans.