Grain quality of rye is often negatively affected by sprouting - a complex trait with a poorly understood genetic background and strong interaction with weather conditions. The aim of this report was to detect the main quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying preharvest sprouting resistance in rye, measured as a percentage of sprouted kernels after spraying spikes with water for 7 days. Simple and composite interval mapping, carried out in 3 environments on 94 F₃ and F₄ families of the cross between sprouting-susceptible (541) and sprouting-resistant (Otl-3) inbred lines, revealed 5 QTLs located on chromosome arms IRL, 2RL, 5RL, 6RL and 7RL. The significance of these QTLs was additionally proved by disruptive selection carried out on 5000 F₂ plants of the 541 × Otl-3 cross and continued to the F₅ generation of recombinant inbred lines (RIL), which strongly affected allele frequencies at linked marker loci. Resistance to preharvest sprouting showed dominant inheritance except for QPhs.uas-7R.l (recessive) and QPhs.uas-1R.1 (additive). Results of the present study suggest that introgression of 4-5 QTLs, identified in line Otl-3, should substantially reduce sprouting risk in rye varieties.