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2010 | 54 | 2 |

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Occurrence of Yersinia enterocolitica in canine excrements contaminating urban lawns

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The purpose of the studies was to determine, by means of bacteriological and molecular methods, the occurrence of Y. enterocolitica in the faeces of dogs, as well as to assess the degree of their spread in the urban environment. The faeces were collected from the lawns of six large districts of Olsztyn. In order to isolate Y. enterocolitica, "warm culture" (ITC/CIN) and "cold culture" (PSB/CIN) were used in parallel, together with biochemical tests. Next, genomic DNA of Y. enterocolitica was isolated and αil, ystA, and ystB genes were detected with the use of the multiplex PCR method. A relatively frequent occurrence of Y. enterocolitica strains in canine faeces contaminating the urban lawns of Olsztyn was demonstrated. The greatest percentage of contaminated faecal samples was found in the area of large housing estates. By means of molecular tests, the presence of ystB gene only, in the absence of αil and ystA genes, was demonstrated in the Y enterocolitica genome, which could indicate a potentially pathogenic biotype 1A. Therefore, it seems important to keep monitoring the changes, which occur within this species of microorganisms, the epidemiological situation of yersiniosis in human and animal populations, as well as to continue the studies on the epidemiology of Y enterocolitica infections also in the context of a reservoir of animals accompanying a man.








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  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 10-718 Olsztyn, Poland


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