Przedstawiono zasady projektowania doboru środków mechanizacji w stanowiskowych budynkach dla bydła. Metoda wymagała stworzenia banku danych o maszynach i urządzeniach możliwych do wykorzystania w procesie produkcyjnym. Przedstawiona koncepcja zawiera również możliwość łączenia poszczególnych układów technologicznych w jedną spójną całość, która będzie decydowała o jakości wybranego rozwiązania.
Author presents a concept of the system for automating process of designing plant and equipment for cattle barns with individual livestock stalls. This method makes possible the following evaluations: - plant and equipment used for mechanized operations on cattle farm; - labour necessary for installing specific technologies; - expenditure necessary for obtaining specific outputs; - energy input for carrying specific production objectives. The study on automating the process of designing plant and equipment for cattle barns with individual livestock stalls presented here suggests the following conclusions: 1. Current methods of designing plant and equipment for cattle farms do not take full advantage of the possibilities created by computer applications. Proposed databases and data processing software make possible the solution of problems on any farm - within the subject scope. 2. Typical designs do not adequately take into account the conditions of farm’s surroundings. Both the evaluation of currently used farming technologies and the creation of new technologies, based on analyses wherein various conditions present in cattle farming are taken into account, are made possible under the method presented herein.