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1998 | 45 | 3 |

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The incorporation of various porphyrins into blood cells measured via flow cytometry, absorption and emission spectroscopy

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The incorporation of the five following porphyrins: meso-tetra(4-phenyl)porphyrin (TPP); meso-tetra(4-sulfonato-phenyl)porphyrin (TPPS4); meso-tetra(4-naphthyl)porphyrin (TNP); tri-sulfo-tetra-phenyl porphyrin (TPPS3) and tetra-sulfonato-naphthyl porphyrin (TNPS4) into human blood cells was investigated using flow cytometry, and absorption and emission spectroscopy. The percentage of stained cells, measured in a fluorescence cytometer, provided information on the efficiency of incorporation of fluorescent dye molecules into different types of cells. The yield of the incorporation of a dye was dependent on the type of dye and the solvent used for cell incubation. The degree of dye aggregation and ionization varied with the incubation medium, but dye molecules incorporated into cells seemed to be restricted to those in the monomeric state, exhibiting similar fluorescence yield. Of the three sulfonated porphyrins investigated only TPPS4 was efficiently incorporated into leukocytes. In the incubation solvent, this dye was in monomeric and neutral form. TPPS3 which was also in monomeric form, practically was not incorporated into cells. TPP and TNP dissolved in 5% aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide were present mostly in aggregated forms but they penetrated the cells with high efficiency. The results obtained seem to indicate that porphyrins are promising candidates for application in phytodynamic therapy.








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