Analiza diety mieszkańców Warszawy na tle diety ogólnokrajowej wykazała w obu przypadkach zbyt duży udział tłuszczu, przekraczający zalecane normy o ok 5-6% w przeliczeniu na jego udział w wartości energetycznej diety. Niekorzystne z punktu widzenia żywieniowego jest także zbyt niskie spożycie kwasu linolenowego przy wysokim udziale kwasu linolowego, jak również wysokie spożycie cholesterolu oraz izomerów trans kwasów tłuszczowych.
The aim of the study was to establish the intake level of fat, linolenic and linoleic acids, trans fatty acids and cholesterol in an average diet of Warsaw adult inhabitants in comparison with the Polish diet. The intake of nutrients in an average diet of Warsaw adult inhabitants was estimated based on research data gathered using three-day dietary records in 2001/2002 as well as the research results of household budgets, elaborated by the Central Statistical Office in 1998 and 2001. Excessive consumption of fats in the diet resulted from high consumption of fried products, adding fat to dishes and the consumption of high-fat milk and meat products. Moreover, a low consumption of linolenic acid and a high participation of linoleic acid was proved in the diet. Excessive consumption of linoleic acid was the result of high consumption of oil fried products and using margarines for spreading. The intake of trans fatty acids in Warsaw diet was higher than recommended as a result of high great consumption of margarines and hydrogenated fat, while the intake of trans fatty acids in Polish diet did not exceed maximum recommended amount. Excessive level of cholesterol in the diet was the result of high consumption of meat, meat products and eggs. The results indicate that it is necessary to decrease the intake of fat in the diet, especially hydrogenated fat, and replace them with oil rich in аlpha-linolenic acid, e.g. rape oil as well as consume more sea fish and fish products. It is recommended that high fat meat and meat products should be replaced with the lean ones and that low-fat milk and milk products should be consumed.