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Nowoczesne technologie konserwowania pasz z uzytkow zielonych oraz ich wykorzystanie w zywieniu bydla

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On the basis of reference review here the most important problems concerning the modern technologies of forage conservation are discussed. Also, here the basal actions such as preparing, storage (chopping, pressing, silo tightness and aerobic stability of silages) as well as factors affected the usefulness of plants for ensiling (species, vegetation's stage, nitrogenous fertilising) and the procedures that facilitated their conservation (prewilting, chemical additives, inoculants) are characterised. Also here the advantages and disadvantages of the modern silages production systems using high-press techniques are presented. At least the examples of using of these feeds in cattle feeding are showed.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, Wroclaw


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