W latach 2004-2005 zostały przeprowadzone badania ankietowe wśród 938 studentów kończących studia w państwowych uczelniach w Gdańsku, których celem było poznanie postaw wobec zdrowia określanych na podstawie powszechności spożywania alkoholu przez młodzież akademicką oraz ich opinii na ten temat.
The aim of the research was to define students' attitudes towards health determined, among others, on the basis of popularity of drinking alcohol and by students' attitude towards stimulants. A method of diagnostic survey was used in the research. The research conducted in the years 2004 and 2005 embraced students of the Medical University (188 students), the Gdańsk Polytechnic University (496) and the Gdańsk University (296). All in all the research embraced 938 persons, including 465 studying women (49.6%) and 473 studying men (50.4%). The obtained results show that, independently from the type of the school, as the years of studying pass the percentage of men and women declaring that they consume alcohol increase