The usefulness of mutagenic treatment to enlarge isozymic variability of barley and the use of induced mutants for genetic analysis were evaluated. N-methyl-N-nitroso urea, sodium azide and gamma rays were employed as mutagenic agents. Electrophoretic assays of 3848 M₂ seedlings obtained by chemical mutagenic treatment of the spring barley cultivars Dema, Aramir, Bielik and 3100 M₂ seedlings obtained by physical mutagenic treatment of the cv. Dema revealed 70 isozymic mutants, which represent 30 separate mutants in 25 M₁ plants. Most of mutations (27) were induced by chemical mutagen at polymorphic esterase loci. The occurrence of induced mutants at monomorphic loci, Got2 and Lap2, made it possible to perform genetic analysis of those loci in barley including mapping respective genes within chromosomes.