In years 1993-1995 experiments were carried out on the behaviour of four cultivars of white clover (Trifolium repens) in a multi-specific sward of production pastures for dairy cows at Brody. In 1993, directly after the first cutting the, white clover seedlings of the following cultivars: Anda, Armena, Roma and Romena were introducted into the sward of paddock situated on half bog and gray brown podzolic soils. During the vegetative season such features as: length of stolons, number and area of leaves were studied. The response of the examined cultivars to the applied conditions varied. Armena and Romena developed well and can be considered as valuable cultivars. The former one, in particular, seems promising and very suitable for permanent pastures for cattle. It is worth nothing that white clover did very well in conditions of sward with domination of meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis). On the other hand, growth and development of white clover was negatively affected by the presence of quack grass (Elymus repens) and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).