Changes in the number of T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations (Th, Tc/Ts, cells with CD25+ receptor) in peripheral blood of rabbits experimentally infected with one of two Czech strains (CAMPV-351 and CAMPV-561) of RHD virus were studied. The lymphocytes were identified using a cytometer and monoclonal antibodies directed against CD5+ (at T lymphocytes), CD4+ (at Th lymphocytes), CD8+ (at Tc/Ts lymphocytes), CD25, or IgM receptor at B lymphocytes. In addition, disease symptoms were recorded in the infected rabbits and their mortality was monitored. Analysis of the results showed that the examined strains induced a distinct immune response of the lymphocytes and that the response was more pronounced following the infection with the CAMPV-561 strain. The recorded changes were expressed more frequently by an increased than decreased percentages of the examined lymphocytes. The mortality was variable and reached 30% in animals infected with the CAMPV-351 strain and 75% in animals infected with the CAMPV-561 strain.