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2007 | 57 | 1 |

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Generic level review and phylogeny of Trombidiidae and Podothrombiidae [Acari: Actinotrichida: Trombidioidea] of the World


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Genera of Trombidiidae and Podothrombiidae of the World are reviewed and their diagnoses verified based on the type material and non-type specimens originating from samples collected in different zoogeographical regions. Twenty two genera of Trombidiidae and two of Podothrombiidae are recognized. Each generic account is supplemented with a map of hitherto known distribution. A key to the world genera of Trombidiidae and Podothrombiidae is provided and a list of species included in each genus is given. The following six new genera are established within Trombidiidae: Andinothrombium, Andrethrombium, Darjeelingia, Robauxthrombium, Ronaldothrombium, Wohltmannella. Six new trombidiid species are described: Andinothrombium elatum, Darjeelingia longipes, Dolichothrombium azerbaijanicum, D. tenerifensis, Robauxthrombium andinum, Ronaldothrombium parametae. New generic synonyms are proposed for Allothrombium Berlese, 1903 (=Corethrothrombium Oudemans, 1928, =Mongolothrombium Feider, 1979), Mesothrombium Hirst, 1926 (=Austrothrombium Womersley, 1934) and Trombidium Fabricius, 1775 (=Kaszabothrombium Feider, 1973). Verified diagnoses of monotypie genera Calctrombidium Haitlinger, 2003 and Oskootrombium Saboori et al., 2006 are provided. Variathrombium Robaux, 1969 is excluded from Podothrombiidae and transferred to Trombidiidae. Archithrombium Feider, 1955, Emitrombidium Lombardini, 1949 and Phyllotrombidium Cooreman, 1946 are treated as nomina dubia. Porttrombidium Haitlinger, 2000 is excluded from Trombidiidae and regarded as more closely related to Microtrombidiidae and Neothrombiidae. The following new specific synonyms are proposed: Acarus tinctorius Linnaeus, 1767 (=Trombidium tinctorium var. brevipilum Berlese, 1910), Trombidium megalochirum Berlese, 1910 (= Caenothrombium coccineum André, 1947). The following new combinations are created within Trombidiidae: Allothrombium christopheanum (Kramer, 1897), Allothrombium laticoxum (Feider, 1973), Allothrombium pectinifer (Oudemans, 1926), Allothrombium vandermeermohri (Oudemans, 1929), Andrethrombium crassicomum (Berlese, 1910), Andrethrombium delamarei (André, 1962), Azaritrombium telletxeae (Goldarazena et al., 2000), Caenothrombium corpulentum (Berlese, 1910), Caenothrombium dammermani (Vitzthum, 1926), Clinotrombium southcotti (Fain, 1991), Mesothrombium mullewaense (Southcott, 1986), Mesothrombium porongorense (Southcott, 1986), Mesothrombium scaurum (Southcott, 1986), Mesothrombium ursinum (Berlese, 1910), Paratrombium crassipalpe (Trägårdh, 1904), Paratrombium colhuanum (Vitzthum, 1933), Paratrombium monoeciportuense (André, 1928), Paratrombium pedioculatum (André, 1927), Paratrombium quadrimaculatum (Berlese, 1912), Paratrombium raeticum (Schweizer et Bader, 1963), Paratrombium superbum (Banks, 1910), Paratrombium tarsale (Berlese, 1916), Paratrombium trispilum (Berlese, 1916), Robauxthrombium chiliense (Robaux, 1969), Robauxthrombium eupectum (Leonardi, 1901), Robauxthrombium unisetum (Robaux, 1969), Ronaldothrombium bellator (Southcott, 1986), Ronaldothrombium dumosum (Southcott, 1986), Ronaldothrombium watanabei (Shiba, 1976), Trombidium aratrorum (Feider, 1973), Wohltmannella cypriense (Robaux, 1964), Wohltmannella dobrogiacum (Feider, 1950), Wohltmannella vannieri (Robaux, 1967), and - within Podothrombiidae: Kurilothrombium shibai (Gabryś, 1988). An adult specimen of Dinothrombium tinctorium (Linnaeus, 1767) is selected as neotype. Lectotypes are designated for Allothrombium crassicomum Berlese, 1910 (now Andrethrombium crassicomum), Allothrombium delamarei André, 1962 (now Andrethrombium delamarei), Allothrombium gracile Berlese, 1910, Allothrombium metae Boshell et Kerr, 1942, Allothrombium pergrande Berlese, 1903, Caenothrombium unisetum Robaux, 1969 (now Robauxthrombium unisetum), Dinothrombium (Dolichothrombium) alpinum Schweizer, 1951 (now Dolichothrombium alpinum), Dolichothrombium fournieri Robaux, 1967, Dinothrombium (Dolichothrombium) grandjeani André, 1954 (now Dolichothrombium grandjeani), Podothrombium subnudum Berlese, 1910, Trombidium insulare Berlese, 1910 (now Paratrombium insulare), Sericothrombium monoeciportuense André, 1928 (now Paratrombium monoeciportuense), Trombidium quadrimaculatum Berlese, 1912 (now Paratrombium quadrimaculatum), Trombidium tarsale Berlese, 1916 (now Paratrombium tarsale). Sericothrombium holosericeum var. brevipapillosa André, 1924, earlier synonymized with Trombidium holosericeum (L.), is restored to specific status - Trombidium brevipapillosa (André, 1924). Andrethrombium delamarei (André, 1962), Dinothrombium tinctorium (Linnaeus, 1767) and Dinothrombium oparbellae (André, 1949) are redescribed. An attempt at reconstructing relationships among the genera has been made. The maximum parsimony and neighbour joining analysis considered 129 characters of 62 specific level taxa (including four taxa assigned to the outgroup) known from different life stages. The monophyly of most taxa has been confirmed and the scope of hitherto distinguished subfamilies of Trombidiidae has been verified. The following new subfamilies are proposed within Trombidiidae: Dolichothrombiinae - with Dolichothrombium Feider, 1945 and Paratrombiinae - comprising the genera Paratrombium Bruyant, 1910 and Pollicotrombium Southcott, 1986.









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  • Department of Zoology and Ecology, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Kozuchowska 5b, 51-631 Wroclaw, Poland


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