The author argues that, under conditions of a liberalization of the market, surplusses of agricultural products are of a structural nature. This makes necessary an adjustment of the output and supply to the market conditions. A narrowing of the food market exerts a pressure on agricultural prices and incomes and, as a consequence, reduces the demand for industrial means of production for agriculture. This leads to undesired interrelationships within the economy and makes the recession even deeper. The Polish agriculture is not able, in its present economic conditions, to finance the costs of its reconstruction and modernization including, in particular, the inflow of the modern technology. With no inflow of this kind and the related reduction of production costs, the agriculture cannot meet the falling market prices and the foreign competition. A reorientation of economic policy toward a development option is necessary, and for this it must be assumed that the State and its specialized agencies would conduct an active policy of opening markets for agricultural products.