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2003 | 06 | 2 |

Tytuł artykułu

Altered properties of light soils improved with lime-treated sewage sludge or its mixture with sugar beet flume washing earth and straw ash

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In a 3-year pot experiment changes in selected properties of acid light loamy sand induced by lime-treated sewage sludge (LS) admixture were studied. Single LS admixtures were applied in the following doses: 2% and 5% that corresponds to 56 and 140 Mg·ha-1, respectively; the same amounts were mixed with sugar-beet flume washing earth from a sugar plant sediment tanks (for a 10% dose it corresponds to 280 Mg·ha-1) and ash from a straw-fired boiler (corresponding to 0.9 Mg·ha-1). The results were compared to a control sample (0 – soil only) and to a standard mineral NPK fertilisation for maize.








Opis fizyczny


  • University of Rzeszow, Rejtana 16c, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland


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